Devlog #6 (July 3 - July 10)

This week we completed the alpha build. Main additions were the character models with animations and sensitivity settings in the pause menu. 

Kushagra - This week, I primarily added the character models that the design teams created to the game. Added the animations art team created to the engineer and also made new animations for the robot using Mixamo. Additionally, I made the rails and dash-wires bidirectional and made decisions with Miles on layers to use for specific case collision and appearance.

Cathy - I implemented a Pause Menu for the game, including functions such as pause, resume, restart, and quit to the main menu. Additionally, I fixed and fine-tuned the wrench recalling feature to better align with the design.

Miles - Mainly worked on giving the pause menu functionality, and fixing small bugs that came up as we approached our alpha build


Alpha Build (Windows) 73 MB
Jul 03, 2024
Alpha build (Mac).zip 96 MB
Jul 03, 2024

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