Devlog #8 (July 17- July 24)

This week, we finished the beta build and the play-test report. Main updates include fleshing out the level surroundings, improving robot's vision and improving the general feel of the game.

Kushagra - This week, I helped other members on coding team with tasks and made the play-testing report.
(1) Helped Jay with differentiating walls one can throw wrench on by changing crosshair colour.
(2) Also worked with Cathy on a new shared wrench pull mechanic and made it one time usable per power-up pickup.
(3) Made the Beta play-test report along with Kien.

Cathy - I implemented a new wrench mechanic according to the design, but only for testing. This new feature includes pulling the player who is holding the wrench to the player who recalled it. When the two players collide, the recalling player will fly back due to the collision force.


Beta Build Windows 70 MB
54 days ago
Beta Build Mac 83 MB
53 days ago
Beta Playtest Report.pdf 2 MB
49 days ago

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